
Addressing Hunger: The Importance and Impact of Organizing a Successful Food Bank Drive

Food banks play an important role in the food relief field by distributing donated and purchased food directly to food insecure households. The public health impact of food insecurity is substantial, especially when food insecurity is more prevalent among certain...

Cebu Foodbank Day of Sharing: A community Initiative to Help Those In Need

The Cebu Foodbank is a non-profit organization with a mission to feed and nourish underprivileged Filipino children. The organization aims to achieve a hunger-free and healthy Filipino youth by sharing a part of themselves with the community. The Cebu Foodbank has...

The Global Foodbanking Network and its Food Bank Accelerator Program

The Cebu Foodbank and SimplyShare team facilitated several key activities including the visit of Mr. Kurt Schultz, consultant of the Global Foodbanking Network (GFN), accompanied through our long-time nearby accomplice Mr. Jomar Fleras of Rise in opposition to...
The Importance of Donating to Save Children’s Lives

The Importance of Donating to Save Children’s Lives

Donating to organizations that help children in need is crucial to saving their lives. Many children around the world suffer from malnutrition, disease, and lack of access to basic healthcare services. Organizations like Save the Children and UNICEF work tirelessly to...

The Issue of Childhood Hunger and Malnutrition

The Issue of Childhood Hunger and Malnutrition

Childhood hunger and malnutrition is a significant problem that affects millions of children worldwide. According to recent statistics, around 45% of deaths among children under the age of 5 are linked to undernutrition. In the United States, an estimated 12 million...

Introduction to Cebu Food Bank

Introduction to Cebu Food Bank

Cebu Food Bank & Soup Kitchen is a non-government organization that aims to address hunger and malnutrition in the city of Cebu. The organization was established in response to the global call to eliminate hunger by 2030. Cebu City, located in the Central Visayas...